Enabling poor families in Dara’a through livestock support project

With the aim of empowering poor and affected families and enhancing their ability to participate in the economic life, MECC supported the workers in the sector of producing, processing and retailing of dairy products in 17 different areas in Dara’a Governorate.

MECC distributed fortified fodder to 500 cow breeders and established 4 mobile veterinary mobile clinics that provide all necessary medical services to livestock farmers including cows’ medications, vaccinations, calving, and artificial insemination.

The livestock project targeted 1500 persons, and included health awareness through home visits, and PSS sessions to 55 women beneficiaries addressing a variety of topics such as domestic violence, dealing with difficulties, goal setting and the power of positive thinking.

Targeted cattle breeders attended a training about cattle breeding methodologies, potential diseases and treatments in addition to the optimal feeding to increase the quality and quantity of milk. The training also tackled the basics of business management.

50 dairy processors received grants to maintain and improve their workshops to become in line with best quality standards. The same beneficiaries were trained on the basis of marketing skills and milk production in accordance with HACCP standards and guidelines.

Last April, other 400 cattle breeders benefited from fodder distribution, veterinary services and trainings. They are still benefiting from the services provided by the mobile veterinary clinics.


From Dr. Souraya Bechealany to Dr. Michel Abs


From the Middle East Council of Churches to Dr. Souraya Bechealany, Honorary Secretary General: Thank you is not enough